J. Wesley Boyd, MD, PhD has studied and researched a wide variety of issues, including what health care personnel know about military medical ethics, how much medical personnel in India know about conditions in Indian prisons and jails, difficulties being able to access mental health care, the ways in which insurance companies generate profits by denying care, moral and ethical distress among veterinarians, the thoughts and feelings of individuals who have been conceived through donor technologies, the availability of Suboxone treatment for opiate addiction across the US, the ways in which physicians with suspected drug problems are treated, the investments of the insurance industry in fast food and tobacco, the harms of mass incarceration, the dangers of COVID for individuals who are incarcerated, and numerous other topics.
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Recent Comments
- jwboyd on Doctors Pay up or Else Can’t Work
- jwboyd on Doctors Pay up or Else Can’t Work
- Emily Hodorowski on Doctors Pay up or Else Can’t Work
- Veronica Rosa on Investigative Journalism Story about Physician Health Programs (PHPs)
- Martha on Do programs to help doctors with substance abuse treat them fairly?
- Almost Addicted
- Almost Addicted Book Trailer on Youtube
- Book: Almost Addicted by Hazelden Press
- Cambridge Health Alliance Department of Psychiatry
- CHA Cambridge Hospital
- Children's Hospital Boston
- Harvard Freshman Seminars
- Harvard Health Publications
- Harvard Medical School
- Harvard Medical School Division of Medical Ethics
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- Robertstech Photo & Design
- Web Page at Childrens' Hosp Adolescent Substance Abuse Program
- Wes Boyd's Pan Mass Challenge Webpage
- Youtube blog for Almost Addicted