Category Archives: Miscellaneous
Reposting from the Guardian: “I’m a pediatrician in Texas. Things are dire and we need your support – not your condescension” by Seema Jilani
Jeff Bezos to Washington Post Editorial Team
From the Guardian: “On Wednesday, the billionaire newspaper owner and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos sent an email to Post staffers announcing that the newspaper’s editorial section would shift its editorial focus and that only opinions that support and defend “personal liberties” and … Continue reading
Anything But Timely: But if you have Interest in How we Think about Illness, How we Describe it, and Whose Description “Counts”(for Better or Worse!), Have a Read. Might be in my Own Top Ten Pieces!
NPR Marketplace Tonight: It’s a Brave New World Out There Folks . . .
Kai Ryssdal is the host of Marketplace on NPR. His parting comments this evening: “This final note on the way out today about what’s happening in and to this economy right now, an economy that I am obliged to remind … Continue reading
Impact of State Medical Licensure Exemptions and Telehealth Registries on College Students’ Access to Psychiatric Care
Super proud that Rachel Conrad, colleagues and I just published this piece in the APA journal Psychiatric Services. You can find it here: The APA just issued this “Psychiatric News Alert” about our piece: Many psychiatrists in states with … Continue reading
The Mental Health Struggles of Veterinary Technicians
The emotional struggles veterinary technicians face are often hidden
STAT News: Medical schools need to offer students alternatives to state physician health programs
AI: Physician Health Programs (PHPs) Frequently Refer MDs for Residential Treatment Placements even though those MDs don’t Warrant Residential Level of Care per American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) Criteria
Check out my AI search query and AI’s response below. Some of the points ChatGPT makes are damning of PHPs, to put it mildly. AI Query: Why do physician health programs send doctors to residential treatment program when those physicians … Continue reading