Tag Archives: physician health programs
Podcast on KevinMD: What doctors need to know about state Physician Health Programs given their power and potential dangers, along with an inability to appeal their demands and recommendations
Physician health programs (PHPs) have way more power than most MDs know and physicians who are referred to PHPs usually have to do anything and everything PHPs tell them if they want to continue to practice medicine. MDs who object … Continue reading
Letter in the Globe about Drug Testing for Marijuana in the Workplace Entitled “No place for overreach in marijuana crackdowns in the workplace”
Michael Alpert and I published this letter about individuals who have been fired for testing positive for marijuana in states where its use is legal, even though there have been no concerns raised about their ability to practice safely or … Continue reading
Physician Health Program Outcome Data Should Be Viewed with Caution–Letter in the Judges’ Journal by Nicholas Lawson and myself
Georgetown law student Nicholas Lawson and I published Lawson Boyd Judges Journal Letter on PHP Outcomes 2018 in the Judges’ Journal last month. We make the case in this letter that we have previously made about how PHP outcome data need … Continue reading
Do state physician health programs encourage referrals that violate the Americans with Disabilities Act?
Hot off the presses with co-author Nick Lawson in the International Journal of Law and Psychiatry is this article entitled “Do state physician health programs encourage referrals that violate the Americans with Disabilities Act?” A PDF of the paper is … Continue reading
Deciding Whether To Refer a Colleague to a Physician Health Program
I have a new piece out in the AMA Journal of Ethics about physician health programs. You can find it here.