Tag Archives: war on terror
Letter in NY Times about Psychologists’ Participation in Torture during the “War on Terror”
The letter can be found here . The fact that the US engaged in torture–by any international definition of torture– during our “war on terror” will go down as one of our most egregious ethical lapses. Even calling it a “lapse” … Continue reading
My piece in Newsweek about the APA, Harsh Interrogations, and Close Ties with the Dept of Defense and the CIA
See the full article here.
Letter in the Boston Globe about the American Psychological Association’s collaboration and collusion with the Dept of Defense and the CIA regarding torture
Click here to see my letter to the Globe. Some psychologists fought mightily for years to change the course of the AMA on torture. Some of these individuals were horribly maligned by the APA in the process. Hats off to … Continue reading
Psychologists and Torture
A day after I wrote this piece for theconversation.com about psychologists and torture, the New York Times highlighted a newly issued report that details the extent to which senior level members of the American Psychological Association (APA) conspired with the … Continue reading
New Movie about Doctors’ Participation in Torture in the “War on Terror”
The movie is called Doctors of the Dark Side. You can see a trailer for the movie here. The website also has a study guide which provides invaluable information as well as resources for further information on this whole topic.